Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sprit of the Marathon movie vs. The Spice Girls

It's an odd comparison, I know but that is the way DC was yesterday.

They had a second showing of this independent film and I was really excited because I missed the first one. So, Rose, Merissa, Jess and I got tickets (Thanks Rox!!) and were excited to be inspired by the movie.

We go to dinner at Potbelly, and something seems different. There are packs of similar looking girls, wearing North Face jackets and sparkly tops and/or headbands, with a mom. Okay, that screams concert. We brainstormed for a bit and then it hit us; The Spice Girls were in town.

Heading into the movie, I see packs of really fit people, who all look a bit similar. Maybe these two groups of people have more in common than they think.
1. Each group looks like the people around them
2. There was squealing in both groups
3. People dressed the part (Girls in pig tales, guys in short shorts and running shoes)

The best comment came from a woman in the theater 3 rows back after she heard there was a Spice Girls concert going on "Ohhhh, that's why those girls were dressed like that!".

Anyway, the movie was great. I highly recommend seeing it, and bring a tissue.

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