Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm an Aunt, I'm an Aunt, I'm an Aunt

No, my brother did not have a baby - well, not that I know of...

I have posted before about my friends from G-Dale, they are a second family to me. Therese was the one who just got married and we were all together for the first time in years (parents, husbands, kid(s), etc). Well, Nicole went into labor 3 weeks early and had a baby girl!! I think she just had such a great time at the reception that she wanted to come out early and join us.

Oh, and I did run at lunch in the 75 degree heat and swim after work. I can't remember what I was going to say today, I am just to excited about my friends baby.

I can't wait to buy more presents that make a lot of noise!!!

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