Sunday, November 18, 2007

Good Ride, 7 Socks, and 1 Glove

The high yesterday was 52. So, at 2 pm I clipped in for an hour and a half ride. I went on the Mt. Vernon trail which has a few more hills than anywhere else I have been riding. What really concerns me is my time. I am not where I need to be in order to finish the bike by the cut off. I know I have 10 months, but it does concern me.

I cancelled my plans at night to stay home with quarters and my 4 weeks of laundry. Yup, that is 6 loads... and it's still not all done. I would have kept going but there is only 1 working dryer and I had no where else to hang clothes.

What does this have to do with my Ironman training? Well, as I was pairing my socks, I realized I ran out and I had a lot of unmatched socks. 7, 7 socks (5 I wear during my workouts) that do not have a match. How does that happen!?!? Also missing, my left biking glove!!

Seriously, 7 socks and a biking glove all went missing from my apartment to the washer and dryer outside my door. I just don't get it... But, biking gloves would make a great stocking stuffer!! (Just in case my parents are reading :-)

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