Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving, Good Friends, Bike Fitting and Still Sick

Sorry for the delay in posting. The holiday weekend got away from me. I did not go out of town, just ran out of time.

Thanksgiving was great. I went out on a 35 min jog in between making cheese cake and an apple tart thing. I figured 35 minutes was enough to eat as much as I wanted. And I did.

Friday I worked (one of the few who did) biked on the trainer for 45 minutes and it felt good. Went for drinks with my old roommate and left early because I started to feel that thing.. you know, that thing when the cold you thought went away, did not.

Saturday I woke up, not being able to swallow. Ouch! I had a 50 minute run and Rose met me at Rock Creek. She was a sweetheart and did the slow run/walk 4:1 with me. She is a way faster runner, but stuck with me. It felt good to do something a bit longer, but felt almost easy. I still know I can go faster, but my HR still won't let me. Anyway, we celebrated with brunch at Open City. YUM!! This was followed by a much needed nap and the cold was coming on full force. I ditched my plans at night and spent some quality time on the couch.

This morning was my biking fitting. 2 hours hoping on and off, tweaking and adjusting, and a list of new things to upgrade on Carlos, I am not confident I don't need a new bike. YAY!! I would like one, but $500 of stuff is much better than $1500 for a new one, plus upgrades. I tried to do more time on the trainer, but took a nap. Tried again and coughed up that stuff on Mucinex commercials (don't worry, I won't post a picture). Boo!!

Okay, nothing too exciting. Just some good workouts and another cold.

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