Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Update from the weekend

Sorry for the delay in posting. It wasn't the most exciting of working out every, but here is my update

Saturday - Carlos and Marcus worked out great!! It was soooo nice to just put the bike (Carlos) in the back of the car (Marcus) and go. Lauren, bless her heart, was at my apartment around 8 and we went to Hains Point. I was biking and she was running. She was also making sure I didn't have any problems or end up on the side of the road. Little did we know that the Race for Cooperative Development 5k Run/Walk was going on at the same time. It made for an interesting bike, but it went okay. 9.5 miles is all I could do. It was soooo humid and I couldn't breathe, so I stopped earlier than I wanted.
But, we followed up the bike/run with the Taste of Bethesda and ate some really yummy food.

Sunday I went for a swim at the Y. Again, not great. When I would breathe, the air would get caught in my throat, almost like when you cry. Not fun and not a great swim.

Monday was Columbus Day and I honored him by going back to Hains Point for more biking. This went better and did a little over 16 miles. It was still hard to breathe, but was much better.

Not too exciting, but at least I am getting back into the swing of things... slowly

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