Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I feel like I should be doing more

It's a base week and I do appreciate the down time, but overall, it's a bit hard on the mind. I plan my week and get a day off. I get my workout in during lunch, and I am back within an hour. I do doubles but it doesn't really feel like it because they are shorter swims and 30 minutes on the bike/run. I know that in a few weeks/months... I will look at this post and wish for this feeling again.

And, thanks to Kristin, I ran outside to see something I have never seen before. A lunar eclipse. For me, one of my favorite things is staring up into the night sky. It calms me. It is one of the main reasons I LOVED having Audrey (my convertible). There is something about the twinkling of the stars, infinite space, being so small but not feeling small. I can't really explain it, but I do enjoy it enough to run outside, a few times, with a 30 degree outside temperature that feels like 18 degrees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean - Your dad & I got to see it last night too - Love, Mom