Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Pretty Full Day

Today was one of those days where I got some stuff done and semi-interesting things happened.

I did my civic duty this morning and voted instead of going to the pool. Yup, that is my excuse and I am sticking with it! I have never seen so many people vote in a primary and I think it is really great. However, I did get annoyed at that guy who thought he was too good to stand in line. He pulls out the blackberry and starts complaining, loudly, at how annoying the long line is and keeping him from his important duties. Right...

Work work work

30 minute lunch run. I talked Jess into going down with me early to get a treadmill. I had 15 minutes steady, 15 minutes letting my hear rate 'float up, but keep it comfortably hard'. It was actually fun because I really went hard (for me) the last 5 minutes. But, the woman in-between Jess and I… DANG! I thought it was me, but thank goodness it was not! That was some really bad BO.

Work work work

Head to the pool. Do my 400 warm up. Start my 10*100 hard. After the 5th one, a third person jumped in and we had to circle. Now the guy already in the lane was a bit on the slow side, but could swim. This guy, OMG!?!?! He was doing some kind of funky, breast/side/elementary back stroke. I don’t want to be a snob, but really, if you can’t swim free, don’t get into the very fast, fast, or medium lane. Get into the slow or family lane where people are swimming a bit closer to your style. So, needless to say, the second half of my 100’s was not pleasant. One of my 1017 pet peeves is not waiting for the faster person to go. I try to be very aware of the people around me when I am swimming and let the faster people go. If I do my flip turn, push off, and touch your feet; you should have waited for me to pass. AHH!!!

I finished my 100’s, 100 kick, 7*50 hard, and my last 50 I got the WORST toe cramp! It was odd because I just ate a banana before my swim. Anyway, it was the kind where your toe just keeps going down and you can’t walk. Not fun.

I head to the metro and it was icy, as we are having a bit of an ice storm right now. I am taking it easy and then it happens, I slip, come really close to spitting my pants doing the splits. I was fine, but definitely tensed up enough to hurt – you know the feeling.

Anyway, I figured the day ended with some payback of my poor attitude and not nice thoughts for the day. Tomorrow a trainer bike, swim, and hopefully a delay government start so I can sleep in!

1 comment:

Kate said...

You weren't the only who slipped on the ice yesterday! I had a monstrous wipe out on the walk home from the metro last night. Not to mention all the people in this article: http://dcist.com/2008/02/13/ice_storm_ruins.php