Saturday, February 16, 2008

Why does my bed have to be so comfortable?!?!

I didn't set up a group run today because I knew a lot of people would be out of town for the 3-day weekend. I still thought I would make it, but not so much. Yesterday was my friend Andy's birthday and after my swim, I headed over to for drinks and dinner. Well, my 1 glass of wine limit was broken pretty early. It wasn't a late night and I did feel fine this morning, but it was 32 degrees, I was warm in bed and figured I could make it up later.

Roxanne and I were going to go hiking, but again, it was too cold. So, we did the next best thing - outlet shopping for hiking clothes! HA! So I was on my feet all day, walking around.

But, I know I need to get my workouts in so instead of going out tonight, I decided to stay in, put on a movie (The Nanny Diaries) and bike my 80 minutes. Movies make the time on the trainer go by so much faster!!

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