Saturday, February 23, 2008

What A Great Class!!

I almost backed out of today's spin class. I let my insecurities get the best of me to often when it comes to training with others. But, I sucked it up and went anyway. What a great decision! This is one of the best experiences I have had with the DC Tri club, and a bike shop in general.

There as one other girl there (I didn't ask if I could use her name so we will just call her B) and the instructor - that was it. There was no where to hide. But it was so worth it. We started pedaling and immediately my seat and form was corrected. How great is that!?! Free help from a great coach! We did about 75 minutes of spinning, high intervals, recovery, standing, and 'time trial pace'. And, I learned the proper way to stand up and sit down! Something I don't do, because I couldn't do it well - and often fall. Now I know how!!

B is awesome and she is doing the Cherry blossom 10 miler, Columbia, and a half about a week after my half. B says she is a back of the pack racer too and lives pretty close to my apartment. YAY, a new friend to train and talk tri with!

Also, The Bike Rack was so great! They opened the shop early for the spin class and adjusted my seat and cleats. But the best part, NO JUDGEMENT!! They were super nice, friendly, helpful - so great!!

AND - I wore my new shorts. NO PAIN! Woo-Hoo! I came home and bought another pair. Rox told me that as soon as I find something I like, I will buy it no matter the price. So true.

Anyway, it was a great class, good day and one of those really positive experiences.

1 comment:

Our home little Idaho said...

Glad you went to class! You just gotta get out there and do it and you'll discover it's all lots of fun. And there's boys in spandex.