Monday, February 11, 2008

Mirrors work both ways

I started the day off by turning down a cookie from Jess. I need to get back on the wagon of workouts and diet. After this display of willpower, there was nothing keeping me from the gym.

So, I headed down a bit after the lunch rush to get a bit more than the 30 minute time limit on the treadmill. I hop on, start slow, but whatever - I have to start somewhere. I am jamming to my music, trotting along, and someone gets on 2 down and starts talking to the guy on the last treadmill. You know when you are in your own world, but can tell someone is looking at you... Riiigghhttt.. So I glance in the mirror and see the guy looking at me - but not at me, a bit lower than eye level (sorry family, but I have to share!!)! I am in a sports bra and t-shirt. Really, there isn't much there to look at, let alone stare at, especially in the gym!! But there he was, straight on staring through the mirror. He had no idea I was watching him watching me.

Boys are dumb.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a good cookie, but good for you!