Sunday, February 17, 2008

True Nature Run

Once again, I set my alarm early to go for my run before brunch and once again, I convinced myself I could make it up later. I am just not good at getting up, especially if I know I am not meeting anyone. So, I slept longer and went to brunch first. However, after eating, I saw the clouds were getting thicker and darker, so I took off a bit earlier than I should have. I actually did "eat and run".

It was a decent, 80 minute run. But, one of the coolest things happened. I am on my way back, running along Rock Creek. I look to my left and saw something move. It was a raccoon right off the trail. He just stared at me and slowly arched his back as I got closer. After I passed, he darted up the tree and every time I looked back, he was still looking at me. I don't know why, but it was pretty cool.

Overall, it was a pretty good week.

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