Thursday, December 27, 2007

Goodbye Nice Y

Today is my last day in G-dale and it was a jam packed holiday weekend. I could have definitely use a few more days of rest, relaxation, friends and family, but duty calls back in DC. After a nice restful day of eating and not working out yesterday, today I knew I had to go to the gym. Only 35 minutes on a treadmill, but I kept putting it off. Leisurely coffee, post-Christmas bargain shopping, lunch and embarrassing Suzie at work (she won't let me post those pictures). More shopping with Therese and Nicole, playing with Nicole's 1 and a half year old Andrew... All this before hitting the Y.

It has become second nature to plan ahead when it comes to workouts. So, last night I packed my new super cute LL Bean snowflake (another theme of Christmas :-) bag with my stuff. True to form as of lately, I was running super late in the day and was seriously thinking of skipping the run. Having the understanding parents I do, I went anyway and just pushed back dinner a bit.

So, I get to the Y, change and realize I forgot a headband and good hair tie. I knew exactly where they were sitting on the dresser at home. Now this is important because my new hair cut doesn't exactly all fit into a pony tail (and yes, that was the ONLY thing I requested). I get up to the treadmill and realize I forgot my iPod. Dang! I know I will have to do Ironman without it, but still... I breath heavy and it's worse in the gym so I don't like to hear it. Oh well, I hop on and start.

Reason number 2 for needing the iPod (number 1 is hearing my own heavy breathing): Listening to stupid peoples conversation on the treadmill next to me.
Girl 1: Did you see that Mary* lost like 25 pounds
Girl 2: Yes, she like went to some fat camp in California. It was like $2000. FOR A WEEK!
Girl 1: I KNOW! She like said she only at salad. Yuck. I mean, salad...
Girl 2: Totally
Girl 1: Maybe I should try it.
Girl 2: Like totally. It worked for Mary.
Girl 1: But I would like have to eat salad, without dressing. I mean really
Girl 2: Well, maybe you could just eat pasta salad, that doesn't have dressing.
Girl 1: Maybe that's what Mary did.
Girl 2: I think so. I am tired, it's been 10 minutes.
Girl 1: McDonald's for dinner?
Girl 2: Um yeah! We just worked out and totally earned it.

* Names in this story have been changed to protect the innocent.

I am trying not to let that conversation ruin the fact that I did 35 minutes on the treadmill, zero walking, for the first time I can remember. Slow, but 0 walking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you come back to G-dale, you can get some arm strengthening and aerobic exercise here. I just finished moving much of the 5-6 inches of snow we got.