Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nothing too Exciting

Not much to report. I am really enjoying my off week and light workouts.

I got home Thursday and it was 52 degrees in DC. Much better than the 20 degrees I left back in Wisconsin! I thought about taking Carlos out for a ride, but I was tried from the trip and my couch felt neglected. It did feel good just to sit and take a bit of potato form.

Friday I was at work, one of 5 people! I did manage to hit the gym at lunch for 35 minutes on the stationary bike. It's nice when people aren't around because you can use the machines for more than 25-30 minutes (the time cut offs at my 2 gyms).

Saturday Merissa got me out of bed to do a short run. I would have slept much longer if she wasn't arriving at my apartment, so I am thankful for that! After a good 35 minute run, I got so much done! Ran errands in the city, 3 loads of laundry (and NO missing socks!), and some much needed cleaning. I even made dinner with tons of leftovers to store in the freezer. It was very productive for a Saturday.

Now I am back on the couch, looking at Carlos against the wall. You can just tell he wants to go on the trainer and be given some love... In time... I will get there.

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