Friday, April 18, 2008

Blah!! AHHH!!!

I had my day set around my 2 hour bike ride and my 3:35 flight to Milwaukee. I get up, dressed, packed up Marcus and headed out to the Mt Vernon trail for a nice ride. Right away, Carlos was making some noises, worse than yesterday. Then the chain fell off. It fell off again. The breaks were squeaking worse than normal. I clipped out and tripped. The noise was getting louder and this was all within 30 minutes. I was getting nervous and decided to turn around and take Carlos to the bike shop for a little work. As I was riding back, the chain fell off again and the seat fell back, again. I didn't know what was going on.

So, after some venting to Roxanne, I took a longer run than coach said I should do. I ran around Roosevelt Island and it was beautiful, except for the snakes. It was the closest to zen running I have ever been and it was a pretty enjoyable run.

I headed right to The Bike Rack to see if they could take Carlos for the weekend and make him better. The first thing they noticed, the dent on the top tube. It's always been there and I didn't think too much about it. Well, apparently that is a huge deal on an aluminum frame. So, now I am not sure what to do. I left Carlos to get a tune up, work on the breaks and seat.

I have some serious thinking to do about a new bike or take my chances.

But now I need to pack 4-5 outfits for my friends wedding tomorrow. Why so many, because you never really know what the weather will be like in Wisconsin in April. There is a high of 82 in DC and 50 in G-Dale. However, weather dot com has not been the most reliable so I am bringing my closet home. Good times.


Anonymous said...

You certainly did bring the closet home. We loved them all.

Unknown said...

Oh no! Poor Carlos!! Maybe it's time to give Carlos a rest and invest in a new friend for him. Perhaps his name could be Enrique!