Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Get to do the 10 Miler on Sunday

I was I am by no means trained or ready for a 10 mile 'race' but I am going to do it anyway! My goal, pace in front of the 'pick up' bus.

I was debating telling Coach that Sunday was the race. This was because I was afraid he would say no. But, people reminded me that so far, he has been pretty right on a lot of situations. So, I told him. After some e-mail mishaps, I got my weeks schedule that included Sunday's race. YAY! He is even giving me Monday off!!!!

I have done a few extra workouts so far this week, so it is good to be ahead of schedule. My knees are doing okay - ice and ibuprofen help A LOT.

I just realized I started each of these paragraphs with I. Can you really be worried about being egotistical when you have a blog that is solely dedicated to yourself???

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