Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Cold in the Morning!!

Yes, I made it out of bed and on my bike, but it was COLD!! I have to remember that 50 degrees in the morning is not the same as 50 degrees in the evening. Tomorrow I will dress more appropriately. But, the fact is I got out of bed at 5:35 am, biked, and made it into work on time.

The good part about biking that early, the sun is just rising and sets a nice shadow of your biking posture. I could see my rounded shoulders and would try to straighten up. It was almost like biking next to a mirror. (And yes, I realize this is a picture of a sunSET over the Potomac, however I thought it was pretty and you get the idea)

The problem - I am starting to feel sick. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep (6-7 hours a night is not cutting it right now), allergies, the up and down of the temperature, and/or the biking in the cool weather. I have a big weekend coming up and really REALLY don't want to be sick for it. Hopefully proper eating, water, and vitamin C will work.

And wearing the appropriate clothing for tomorrow mornings 2 hour bike ride.

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