Saturday, April 5, 2008

Oh, Packet Pick-up

I decided to take the day off from biking because my knee is a bit sore and Coach said it was okay. It is a beautiful day I hate to miss but that's okay.

So I went to the packet pick up with what felt like every other person running tomorrow. After I found my number, I got my packet but there was no chip in my numbered pouch. I was sent to the"Solutions desk" to figure out what to do. The solution... get another chip. How was this documented? On a legal size yellow note pad with a blue pen. Yup, the chances of my actual start and finish time being accurate are slim to none. The probability that I will be charged for not turning in my chip, pretty high.

But the best part of every packet pick up is the expo. I was looking for my Clif Shots - which were a bit harder to find as everyone uses Clif Blocks now (and I do biking, but not running). After I found some stuff I didn't need, I found the BEST T-SHIRT EVER! Dad, this shirt is for you but for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get it. Thanks.
Maybe I should change to "fish for beer." Can you see me running for anything?