Thursday, April 3, 2008

La La

Yesterday I had some down time and did a lot of reading. My reading of choice - Triathlon magazines of course! I have been reading books, websites, other blogs, and magazines all to help prepare myself for September. I even go so far as to mark articles or stories with little sticky flags so I can go back and re-read certain topics.

I start to worry because I am a bit over 5 months away and I haven't biked more than 22 miles or run more than 8. 5 months is a lot of time, but it's not. How do I stay positive? Everything I read talks about this challenge being so mental. In the back of my head, I know I will do my best, no matter what. If my friends and family come out and I don't finish, it will suck, but I will be okay.

This is what popped into my head today during my 40 minute easy run. I was grooving to a little JT, putting one foot in front of the other, and I panicked a bit. But, I kept going. I walked a bit, but kept going. These are the workouts I need to remember. The break through ones are good, but these are almost better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU WILL BE OKAY AND YOU WILL MAKE IT. WE HAVE CONFIDENCE. Don't even think negative at this point. It's way too early. YOU ARE THE ONE. In this case it's like your hat says "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU" and in this case it should be.