Friday, March 7, 2008

6 months.. Oh Geeze... 6 MONTHS!!!

Today is March 7, 2008. In 6 months, exactly 6 months it will be September 7. That has been the day, Sept 7, 2008. People ask me when the race is and it just flows out of my mouth "September 7, 2008". Wow, that is now only 6 months away.

6 months. That's it, only 6 months. 6 MONTHS!!

So, what do you do when you have the biggest race of your life 6 months away??? Sign up for something you know you will enjoy. I have been wanting to do the Reston 1 or 2 mile open water swim for awhile. But, it always falls on Memorial Day weekend, and that is always reserved for my girls back in G-Dale. Well, this year due to a wedding, trip to Europe, a baby, grad school and training for an Ironman, Memorial day didn't work out for the 5 of us and I will be here. Talked it over with Coach and thought it would be a nice break from the pool and I can always get my long bike in Monday, as I will have the day off. On Saturday there is an open water swim clinic and Sunday I signed up for the 2 mile, wetsuit division. It is 1 week after my first triathlon of the year and 2 weeks before the 4.4 mile bay swim. I am sure I will learn at least 1 thing from the clinic and and open water practice is always a good idea.

Should be fun!

Oh, did I mention that Ironman Moo is 6 months away...

1 comment:

Arin_C said...

Bet you will do great on the swim. Probably won't even break a sweat!