Monday, March 17, 2008

The Luck of the Irish Strikes Again!!

This morning was the much anticipated doctors appointment.

The good news - the x-rays show nothing. YAY! That means my knee caps are back to tracking correctly, nothing is cracked or chipped, and both knees look okay. The Dr. sent me off for an MRI, just to make sure nothing else was wrong, but he doesn't think it will show anything. Woo-Hoo! I had that appointment this evening and the results should be back to the Dr. in 2 days, so I will hopefully make my appointment for the end of the week to know for sure.

What I don't fully understand is if nothing is showing up, why does it hurt when I bike, run, stand... He said it was 'runners knee', I am to use the strap things (which I have been - so that is good) and gave me some other info. I know that over the next 5+ months, I am going to go through some pain - okay a lot of pain, but I thought more muscle/joint/can't move pain - not if I stand something will snap pain.

So, I get to workout. I sent Coach a very long winded e-mail about the results. He was on his way out the door, but said I can do some 30 minute runs on gravel/the side of the road - no pavement and would get back to me.

I am feeling pretty positive. I just need to tell Coach when things are hurting: but also learn the difference in pain. Keep taking ibuprofen, icing, stretching, rolling the IT band, and hope for good luck. That is what the doctor said is a huge fact in attempting this distance - luck.

It's St. Patrick's Day, so I guess today is a good day to hope for some luck; and luck to carry me through the next 6 months.

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