Monday, March 10, 2008

Carlos Has New Toys!!!

I just spent 2 and a half hours at Conte's bike shop. Not for me, entirely, but for Carlos. He was feeling neglected and wanted new toys. I am not one to let my bike down, so I obliged.

The first hour was a complete bike fitting. I got new inserts for my biking shoes, another new stem, and the seat and handlebars were repositioned. The bike fitter said my components would take me through September (YAY) and hopefully with this fitting, I won't need a new bike - even though I know it's a bit to small for me. So, instead of buying a new bike and/or components, I bought my self a new bike computer. Carlos is now wireless!! I am pretty excited to have a new toy. Don't be jealous Gadget Girl!

And of course with all this good news, there has to be some bad too. My knee, especially the right one, has been hurting a lot lately. I kept telling myself it was just a twinge. A twinge that won't go away. I finally told Coach and we just got off the phone. He is putting me on rest for awhile - only swimming with a few runs here and there. Lots of ice and ibuprofen. I know rest now so I am not hurting later - but I am already so close to the 17 hour cut off, I need all the training I can get. Logically, I know that if I don't take care of these things now, there will be no race to go to.. blah blah blah... I am going to call that doctor I saw last week at the tri club clinic and hopefully I can get in for some physical therapy.

BAH!! Stupid right knee hurting when I bike and stupid left knee hurting when I run!

I am going to go play with my new bike computer to make my self feel better.

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