Monday, March 24, 2008

Running Out of Reasons

Today was my follow up bike fitting - a tweaking if you will. I didn't get the same warm fuzzy feeling I usually get from the store, but that's okay, everyone has a day off.

So we set up Carlos on a trainer and I warmed up. We discussed the knee pain a bit more and how the x-rays and MRIs did not show anything. He did some measurements, adjusted the seat a bit (but feels it may be a bit too high) and repositioned the cleat on the shoe. Basically, that's all there is to do... I don't know, I am not a wimp, really, I am not - or at least I don't think I am. I just hope this works itself out. I really feel I am running out of options.

I am back to a hard week. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that until tonight, after the bike fitting and out for a birthday dinner (not mine). I guess that means I should go to bed and get up to do my swim. I really should because I am getting my hair cut tomorrow night and everyone knows you can't swim after getting your hair done.

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