Saturday, March 29, 2008

Getting There

I woke up and it was 35, feels like 30, degrees out. I am sorry, but that is waaayyy toooo cold to go biking. So I went back to sleep for an hour.
Woke up, did my a.m. yoga, made breakfast (okay, brunch) and got my bike ready to head out. It was still a bit cold for biking but knew I had to get outside.

I went back to Beach Drive to do my 90 minute ride. The first half was good. I leaned back in the saddle and down went the seat angle. Not fun. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to get it back to a normal position and hold, however I have no idea it if is at the correct angel.

Now this bike was supposed to be a 90 min "get out and ride, get used to the bike, and aero riding as well as the surroundings. No pace or heart rate info. Just ride easy, and enjoy." This sounds like Zen Biking to me. I did pretty good at not looking at the distance, however was not good with the heart rate. I kept looking and was so annoyed that it was so high! I kept telling my self "Zen bike, you are zen biking". It didn't work. I think it was like that Friends episode where Monica was leaving a message for her friend, the ex, Richard

MONICA: "Hi, it's Monica. I'm just checking in 'cause I got this message from you and I didn't know if it was old or new or what. So, I'm just checkin'. So let me know, or don't, whatever. I'm breezy."

JOEY: Hey, you can't say you're breezy, that, that totally negates the breezy.

I think it's the same thing with biking. Saying you are biking zen negates the actual biking in a zen state.

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