Sunday, March 9, 2008

Getting Old!

I remember being little and wondering why my parents would never sleep in. I don't remember exactly what the answer was, but I think I am starting to understand. This weekend I did not have to get up to workout. I took yesterday off and today I only have to bike 45 minutes. I was super excited to sleep in, especially with losing an hour due to day light savings time.

However, it was my unpleasant surprise when i woke up at 8:15 (really 7:15 for my body clock). WHY CAN'T I SLEEP IN!?!?! I really wanted, and could use, the extra sleep. But nooooo.... Because for the past few months I get up at the same time, for work or my workouts, I can no longer sleep in. I do remember this being a reason why my parents said they don't sleep in much.

Today is a day of cleaning. And I mean deep cleaning - shredding paper, organizing bills, cleaning out the crumb tray of my toaster oven. I do have to get in a 45 minute ride on the trainer, but I shouldn't have any problems in between alphabetizing my DVD's and rearranging my refrigerator.

Wow, I hope I am not as sad as that sounds...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's called your body clock. Once it gets into a habit, it's hard to break. Believe me, I would love to sleep in, but until I can retrain the body clock, it's hopeless.