Friday, March 28, 2008

Stupid Right Eye!

Anyone catching a theme here? I am not just making excuses, but things just keep happening! Okay, maybe they kind of are excuses... but could also be considered good reasons for skipping/missing/cutting short workouts.

I was at the pool, swimming along in a very crowded lane.
And on that note, seriously, why were there so many people at the pool on a Friday!?!?!
Anyway, I am swimming along and my right eye starts to bother me. I finish my 1000M, take off my goggles and rub my eye - trying to not let my contact fall out. I am trying to find the contact and put it back in place. I look at my finger and there is half my contact. I never found the other half and really hope it's not floating around my eye somewhere. I didn't want to try and swim with one contact so I hopped out after 1500M total. Not too bad...

Tomorrow is a biking day. Either with the Saturday group ride with the bike shop or on my own later in the afternoon. It all depends on the weather. If I wake up and it's 35 degrees, back to bed. If it's 45, to the group ride I go.

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