Sunday, September 9, 2007

All Choked Up

This morning I woke up at 7 with a funny feeling. It took me a few moments to realize, but I think it was because in one year, I will have hopefully started my first Ironman. When I got out of bed, I turned on my computer and started to watch the Live Video. I watched the last 3 swimmers come out of the water and the announcer say "You can do it. You WILL be an Ironman!!" and I got all choked up and started to cry. I have stated before, I am a crier. It’s who I am.

So I have been watching the video on and off all day. I watch Coach finish. Tons of people carry kids across. 64 year old men cross. It’s awesome. I am planning on watching from 11-midnight and seeing those athletes cross. I want to watch, listen, and remember because that is where I will be. This is what I am going for… What I want to do.

It all starts tomorrow. My parents are getting up early, again, and driving me up to Madison for registration.

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