Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thank you Ron Burgundy

On Sunday after after my 7 hours at Carmax with Jess - saying goodbye to Audry and hello to Marcus - the 10+ hour trip left little daylight for my 1 hour and 30 min bike ride, followed by a 15 min run, that was on the schedule.
Sooo... I put Carlos on the trainer and turned on the tv. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy was playing and proved to be a great distraction. Ride steady during the movie, faster on the commercials. It worked out pretty well. My HR stayed up and averaged 155. My butt was sore and I really do need a fan; but I was really happy with my self that I didn't just sit, watch the movie, and feel bad about what happened. I needed to do my ride, and I did. It wasn't outside, or the way I planned - but it was WAY better than nothing.

I also hopped outside for a quick 15 min jog. It was a little late, but the main road I live on is very well lit, with lots of people, cars, and restaurants. I am not stupid and did not wear my iPod, but was very surprised at how many other solo female runners were out, with iPods. It made me feel better that I wasn't out there alone, but also glad I am smart enough to not wear headphones!!

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