Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Skipped Monday

Yesterday was one of those days that just got away from me.

In the morning, I had to take Marcus to get inspected. Lunch, it was Emily's birthday and we had lunch plans. I couldn't skip lunch because I skipped her b-day party over the weekend. I got in late and therefor had to stay late. By the time I got home, it was 7:30, and I realized I had not done my dishes in a week, gone through my mail in close to 2 weeks, or even unpacked from Sarah and Brendan's wedding. So when I got home - I just started to put stuff away. I didn't get to the laundry, but it's sorted. I have a kitchen counter again, clean dishes in the drying rack, and made some soup for dinner.

And I was in bed at 9:30. It was a good night and good decision to not workout.

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