Tuesday, January 1, 2008

First Workout of the Year!!

I just wanted to post again that my 2008 is starting off right. Just had a good bike with Carlos with a set of 1 legged drills and 10x1 minute up tempo with 1 minute rest. It felt pretty good for a 45 minute ride. Watching The Office really helped too.

Oh, and I forgot to mention last night. I went to 2 small gatherings and had a good time at both. Kept it low key and didn't wake up with a headaches or anything else :-) At the second party, I ran into the guy that finished IM Florida and I had a hard time with his comments about how 'easy' it is to finish an Ironman. After chatting with a few people and my resolutions for the year, I had a different attitude about it all. We kept it light and I realized that he just has the best intentions. We were talking about wet suits and bikes. He confirmed everything the bike fitter said as well as the bike shop to go to. Now I feel a bit bad about how I reacted before and what I posted. I am just sensitive to my speed and it's something I am working on. But overall I am glad I have another person to ask about Ironman stuff.

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