Wednesday, January 16, 2008


How is it only Wednesday? I am beat and my head really hurts.

Today finished day 2 of my class. We should be done around noon tomorrow. Woo-Hoo!!
After the class today, I was going to take my "lunch" at the gym. Well, all the treadmills were full and there was no way I could get my 35 minute so I went back to the office and finished the day. That is when the headache set in. I still went to the gym and got in my 35 minute run. It was fine, nothing exciting. And, the best part, my headache went away.

Well, as soon as I got on the metro, it came back. I have been home for about an hour and a half, and it's still here. I have had water, a little bit to eat, caught up with a friend via phone, and my head is still pounding. Now, once again, I am looking at Carlos. I have only done 1 ride so far this week. 40 minutes is what I am supposed to do today. I can't push it off til tomorrow because I have to swim and bike tomorrow.

Oh, the debate...

Update: It's almost 11 and I just finished my 40 minutes on the bike. I made my self pay too. I had to do my 'tempo' bike and did 4x3 min up tempo. My quads are so achy - but in the good way. I started to yell at my self "To be an Ironman, you must go hard for 73 more seconds".
It was tough, again, but I am, again, so glad I am getting myself to do these workouts. I know it's going to get harder, but as long as telling myself I am going to be an Ironman, I will keep going.

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