Sunday, January 6, 2008

What a GREAT Workout!!

I have mentioned the ups and downs of living in DC, and today was definitely a great day to live in DC. It's January 6 (a special day I will get to in a minute) and there was a high of 53 today! I couldn't pass up the chance to bike outside. It was raining in the morning, but made plans to go biking and running at 2. I loaded up Marcus (still so great to just throw Carols in and go) got to Hains Point and was ready to go. Rose was going to meet me, but was running late, so I started.

Now this is the first time I have been on my bike, not on the trainer, since I had it fitted. During the fitting, the seat was raised. Wow, I almost bit it just trying to clip in!! EMBARRASSING because about 5 'real' cyclists flew by right when I wobbled around trying to start. I realized that clipping out was not going to be easy. So, after my first lap, I went back to Marcus and thank goodness because I would have wound up on the ground if I did not have the car to balance on. I lowered the seat just a bit and practice clipping in and out. I didn't fall, but I would not use the term 'gracefully' to describe how I look. (You will see this image again when I do fall... and I know I will eventually) I met up with Rose for 3 of my 6 laps. She took a outfit tip from Kristin and was dressed in head to toe black.

I finished my bike and took my time changing and getting ready for my run. When I started, I did not think there was any way I would be able to go 40 minutes. Then something happened, I just kept going. I started with a 3:2 and kept adding to the running and taking away from the walking until I hit a 4:1. I felt so good. This is the first time I realized I might actually be able to do this Ironman. I know I can do this mentally, but my body is the only thing I am not sure of. After doubles on Friday and Saturday, this was awesome. An amazing feeling. Woo-Hoo!!

I mentioned earlier that today, January 6, was a special day. It is my wonderful mommy's birthday. Mom I hope you had a great day!! I love you much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey - I appreciate it- but I'm still ahead of dad on the blog - ha ha - Glad you had a good work out - Must feel good to see progress - I know it but it must be good to see it for yourself - Love, Mom