Saturday, July 5, 2008

Okay, it Really Was the Worst Training Day EVER

And in a lot of ways it is worse when the reason is things I can not control. This is basically how I felt today.

So after I took my nap, it was sunny. So, I got dressed, again, packed up the car, again, and headed out for my ride, again.
Now I realized I forgot my pump and I already mentioned that I didn't have a CO2 cartridge. But I figured I already had my flat, I would be fine. Headed up Beach drive, right at the turn around, and I hear it - pop, hisssssss..... OHHHH Sh*t!!! No no no no NOOOOOO!!!! 5 miles. I went 5 MILES!! Which means I am 5 MILES from my car.

I start to walk back. Finally 2 guys stop. All I needed was a pump or CO2 cartridge. The 2 guys from Boston (when I said I was going to blog about them, they said that is how they wanted to be described) pulled over and helped. They were great, changing the tube faster than I knew what was going on. Super sweet and greatly appreciated. They pedal off, I get my helmet back on, clip in and start.

100 yards later, pop, hisssssss..... OHHHH Sh*t!!! No no no no NOOOOOO!!!! Not again!
So I start walking again. Another guy stops a little while later and we find 2 holes in the tire, one big one. We patch the tube, plug the hole, flip Blain back over and what happens...
Pop, hisssssss..... OHHHH Sh*t!!! No no no no NOOOOOO!!!! SERIOUSLY!?!?!
So it was pretty much a lost cause after that and I hobbled back to the car.
20 minutes out, 2.5 hours back. Not good.

When you are walking in bike shoes, it's not comfortable, or good for the clips. I walked in my socks at times, but not good either. Not looking forward to tomorrows 2 hour run. And I was surprised at how few bikes asked to help... I always ask, stop, and will now for sure continue to do so.

So that was my day. I rushed to The Bike Rack for a new tire. I wanted the one that would least likely give me a flat, but wasn't really heavy. Hopefully it will workout. Today just really stunk and I hate the fact I missed a long bike. But, it's better this week than next at the half or in 2 months.
I am trying to have some sort of positive spin to this...

1 comment:

J said...

I got the Specialized Armadilo tires after getting two flats (one in each tire) in one day. Which ones did you get?