Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Are Snot Rockets Littering?

I was talking to my friend Rachel today (who has a race on Sunday) and she sounded a bit congested. She said she was trying to get over a cold, hence the head congestion sounding voice, but was also on her way out for a run. I told her that this is a great opportunity to practice her snot rockets. Rachel laughed in that disgusted "I can't do that" laugh and said the best thing

"Snot rockets are against my anti littering campaign".

This made me laugh very very hard. Rachel is always coming up with/saying random phrases I have never heard - we decided it's because she is from Georgia and I am from Wisconsin. Another favorite she whispered at a meeting "You can't fix stupid". Coffee almost came out my nose - the birth of my snot rocket quest.

And Brooke sent me this great blog posting today. It's a bit long, but a good read. When I read it, I felt like she knew me!! Made me realize that the things I am going through - I am not alone.

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