Monday, June 16, 2008

The Best Reason EVER to Run on the Mall

I was having the debate before about treadmill vs. outside running at lunch. Sometimes the heat is just a bit too much. Well, today, my decision was made.

I was attempting to do a tempo/interval run in the heat/humidity. It was pretty easy to get my HR up, am nice and red faced, and easily distracted by all the shirtless men running on the mall. 9 times out of 10, it's a good thing. So I'm going, in my own little world and I see (another) really cute guy coming. I send him mental notes of "take off your shirt" and as he gets closer, I notice the boob glance (sorry family, but it's an important note in the story) and realize he looks familiar. Then I have the "Oh My Gosh" moment... it is ABC's The Bachelor Officer and a Gentleman!!!

Now please know that I am not a regular watcher of the show. I only paid attention because Kristin had a friend of a friend's old co-worker person was on the show. Also, he is a triathlete so that peeked my interest.

So yes, that was my brush with The Bachelor. I heard through the tri club forum that he was in DC and as you all know, it's a pretty small community. It's now only a matter of time until our relationship is on the cover of People magazine and we are the next Bachelor married couple.

Okay, not really... his teeth are too white and I don't want to be chased by the paparazzi! But he totally did the boob check. So Andy, if you are reading, I was the one in the sleeveless green Nike top today on The Mall around noon :-)

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