Thursday, June 5, 2008

Okay, I guess

I just finished my brick. The good news is that I got out of bed and did it.
The bad news, it was really REALLY slow. I just couldn't get my legs moving. During the bike, my HR was only in my "in" range for 5 minutes (out of 90). I tried to go faster and push a bit, but it wasn't working. But, when I did my 45 minute run, my legs weren't totally shot. I guess that is a good thing about going slow on the bike.

And I think this morning thing is going to have to continue to happen. It was about 75 degrees with 72% humidity, at 9 am. Good times.

The sunrise was pretty that early.

I guess I should go to work now.

Oh, I almost forgot. I saw 3 different people do snot rockets. And NOT bikes or runners either, the park service people cleaning up after yesterdays thunderstorms. It's like they are mocking me!!!

Okay, now I am off to work.

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