Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still Didn't Get Up...

But I did get my workout in.

First of all, yesterday I did get in my long run, 10 miles!! It actually felt okay with very little knee pain. My legs felt tired about an hour and a half into it, but otherwise I just kept shuffling forward. Not quickly, but kept moving. Then went back to work. Can you say productive afternoon! HA!

This morning I convinced my self that doing my brick after work would give my legs more time to rest, and I didn't let my boss know I would be late - so this all lead to an extra 2 hours of sleep. So I rushed home, changed, grabbed Blain and headed out to do some laps at Hains Point. Now there was a very dark cloud in the sky and I checked with Roxanne that biking in the rain was a good idea. Of course she said go and to stay off the paint. I got started with a bit of rain, but nothing too bad. The ride was uneventful until the last 30 or so minutes. All the sudden, my left knee really REALLY started to hurt. On the outside, really painful. The knees haven't that bad since March-ish when I went to the dr. Now it's usually the right knee that hurts biking, so I am thinking that when I start my run, it's really going to hurt.

But here's the thing, the brick was actually good! I had 0, yes ZERO, knee pain during the run. And it felt great!! So that is a 90 minute ride and 45 minute run, the day after a 10 mile run.

Yup... I think this training thing is working.

AND, I saw the most B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L sunset tonight. The biggest, red/orange sun setting over the Potomac. So pretty!

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