Saturday, June 28, 2008

I am an Idiot

I wanted to sleep in until 6 - yes, I agree - you should not say sleep in until 6.

I start set up Blain and realize something is missing... I lost my bracket for my aero drink. I remember taking off the aero drink bottle after last weeks ride, but my guess is I did not take off the bracket and few off on the drive home. Oops, that is a very expensive piece of plastic!

Slightly worried about hydration I am clipped in by 7:30 and pedaling away. Not ideal for the heat and humidity of the day, but it worked out.

Not too much else exciting happened on the ride. My allergies aren't acting up so no snot rockets.
I did get yelled at a few more times than normal about riding in the street. It's frustrating that bikers get such a bad rap. Yes, there are the ones who fly by and don't say "on your left". Even today there was a group of about 12 that almost pushed me off the road and did not go single file so cars could get by. But, there are bad drivers and people don't hate all drivers!
I always try to say "on your left" and wave at cars who let me go.

It was another 4.5 hour ride. A with about 2 hours left I was at a stop sign and I hear "Amanda!!". My guess it was Tony (who is also training for IM Wisconsin) as he knows Blain - who is very noticeable in all his yellow glory. That was just the pick up I needed to finish that loop and start the 3rd and final lap.

Also, I got SMOKED up a hill by a guy who was 117. Okay, not that old, but I would guess in his late 70's, early 80's. He slowed down and chatted with me for a bit, giving me pointers on cadence and such, then flew and KICKED MY BUTT!! Impressive and inspirational.

"Race" tomorrow so it's another early night for me!!

1 comment:

roman_showman said...

I am on my way to Seneca this morning and in the distance I see Blain! It was great seeing you out there and it lifted my spirits as I approached the hill at Old Angler's Inn. Talk with you soon Amanda and good luck at Smallwood. Tony.