Monday, June 30, 2008

Ahhhh... A Day of Rest

There are so many wonderful things I love about a day off.
  • Sleeping in until 7, not crawling out of bed until 7:30
  • Going to work without 3 bags of workout clothes and recovery drinks
  • Having lunch with friends instead of going to the gym
  • Going to HAPPY HOUR not smelling like chlorine or BO
And then there is the e-mail from Coach saying you can't be in a light week because you have a half Ironman in 2 weeks. Ggggrrreeeaaatttt.....
So I have my daily workouts for the rest of the week. And I can't be mad because I have a light taper for next week and he even says things like
"be smart, get to bed early, eat a really good diet and focus" - Did someone tell him I went to lunch and happy hour!?!?!
"Think you can get through this week? The taper week will be VERY light. You have to hang in there for the rest of this week. Time to DIG IN Amanda! Coach"

I can't get mad at that!! I have to dig in, make it work, all the other sayings to get my butt in the pool, on the bike and out running.

So I am off to bed so I can get up and bike in the morning followed by a swim tomorrow night.
All for this...


Kat~ said...

I feel your pain....K~

Unknown said...

we will see you in new york!
love, the laragys