Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Have to Learn Sometime

When I headed out for my ride yesterday, I had a pretty low back tire. I thought, no worries, pumped it up before I headed out for the 3 hours and 50 minutes, and all would be fine. When I finished, it was pretty low.

This morning, I had to do a 90 minute ride, and it was flat. Well, here is the deal, I still don't know how to change a flat. I have all the stuff - the tube, levers, the CO2 thing - I just haven't done it in about 3 years. So, I just pumped it up, said a little prayer to keep the tire pumped enough to get the 90 minutes in, and went out my way.

And - It worked!! It is holding air, just has a very VERY slow leak. So, I really need to learn. I am not sure if I should just take it to Conte's (with cookies of course) and have them laugh at me and show me, or try it on my own with the Internet.

Also, the warning today was no longer thunderstorms, but the high heat index. There is a high of 99 with a heat index close to 105. All I know is that I was sweating at 9:15 pumping up my tire. I mean drops off my nose sweating. Thank goodness I am done with my bikes and runs for the next day!

Tomorrow, the 4.4 mile Chesapeake Bay swim. Woo-Hoo!! Please send me your non-drowning thoughts between 10 and 1!!

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