Monday, June 9, 2008

Does Sweating Count As A Workout??

I didn't hear back from Coach this week about a workouts, so I assume that means I get the day off :-) Or at least that is how I took it... We had talked about this week being an off week so hopefully it's okay that I relaxed a bit. But, even though I relaxed, that does not mean I did not sweat.

Holy buckets! I can't take this heat and humidity!!!!! Seriously!!!

After some cleaning of the apartment with the parents, my dad and I decided to scratch the round of golf because of the heat, Instead, we hit a round of golf balls at the driving range. At one point, I noticed sweat beads around my knees, standing in the shade, swinging a golf club... That's how hot it was today. YUCK!!

Finally tonight, the fam celebrated our swims with watching the Nat's play something similar to baseball. And sweating the entire time.

So did I have a traditional workout, no.
Did I sweat more than a traditional workout, yes!

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